Every season has a unique speciality related to the food, culture, festivals, travel, etc. Of that season. Pakistan experiences four distinct seasons. Winter, spring, summer, and fall.

We will see that everything is different if we look at the cosmos that allah created. They are defined by these distinctions. Consider the weather; it is rarely the same everywhere in the world. Moods, habits, and human nature are all impacted by climate change.

Pakistani citizens are fortunate in that allah almighty has blessed them with a variety of weather, including summer, winter, autumn, and spring. Most of pakistan has access to these four seasons..

Geographically Pakistan

Geographically, Pakistan is separated into plain, mountainous, desert, and sea regions. The harshness of the present seasons affects every region. It's hot and muggy in places like Karachi, Thatta, and Badin. Lower Sindh, Upper Sindh, and the majority of Punjab are among the plain regions. Here, the weather is unpredictable and arid. The majority of Balochistan as well as Punjab's Thar and Thal are among the desert regions. This place has a scorching, toxic environment. Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Azad Kashmir are among the mountainous regions. Year-round cold prevails in some regions. Winters are quite cold and snowy. Life is paralysed as a result.

Winter Season in Pakistan

In Pakistan's mountainous regions, winter lasts from October to the end of February. lives from December to February in the sea and grasslands.

Some ducks migrate throughout the winter from arid regions to warmer ones, generally near rivers and lakes. The air becomes more humid when the sun sets. Heat is provided by gas, electric, and wood- and coal-burning stoves. To ward against the cold, several different warm and woollen garments are frequently used. Foods with a lot of calories are eaten more often.

Along with peanuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, chickpeas, barley, etc., other common foods include confectionary and hot beverages like tea, coffee, soup, etc. People go from all around the country and beyond to visit snowy regions to take in the breathtaking natural landscape. In order to stay warm at night, people utilise blankets, comforters, and woollen sheets.

The shortest day of the year and the longest night are both on December 22. The days become longer and the nights get shorter starting in December. It will go place till June 21. As a result, June 22 marks both the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The night starts getting longer and the day becomes shorter starting on June 23.

Spring Season in Pakistan

From mid-February through mid-April is the spring season. The nicest and happiest season is right now. During this time of year, greenery proliferates and vibrant flowers blossom. On the branches, fresh leaves sprout. All living things are given fresh life by the enticing aroma of flowers and leaves. Increased facial rejuvenation Spring festivals and flower displays are organised by government and semi-government organisations.

Summer Season in Pakistan

Summer's warmest months are May and June. Due to the high heat, commercial life ceases to exist in the majority of Pakistan. The marketplaces and streets are empty. Due to load shedding and other technical issues, Pakistan's electricity transmission has decreased, which has an impact on commercial and industrial productivity as well as on the average household income. Strong sun and wind poisoning cause illnesses and fatalities in weak persons. People consume more cold beverages and avoid leaving the house too much in order to beat the heat.

Rainy Season in Pakistan

Despite the fact that July and August are also warm months, this is when the monsoon season often starts. Because of this, we associate them with the rainy season.

Autumn Season in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the autumnal months are September and October. This period of time, also known as bile root (Exfoliation) season, is marked by the yellowing, drying, and withering of tree leaves.

Plants and trees develop drab branches. Drying out and being destroyed is the vegetation. The wind leaves. Because Allah Almighty gave us a variety of seasons, our nation is abundant in various fruits and crops. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and other crops including wheat, rice, millet, maize, pulses, and cotton that are juicy, sweet, and tasty in the summer. All of which not only provide for our basic needs but also lead to significant exports. Additionally, foreign exchange is made.

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